
There are cities that fall in love; There are cities that are unique; and there are cities that can create a variety of sensations, even some very radical. It is the case of the Spanish capital, a huge metropolis that is often characterized by its impressive footprint: either you hate it, well you worship it. In my case, it is obvious that I am delighted with Madrid. Since I put a foot on it for the first time, I can not bring me whenever I can. It is, without any doubt, a city unlike any other, with an own atmosphere whose air makes you experience a myriad of different emotions. Strolling through la Castellana, Gran Via, or Serrano is a wonder, a delight for the body and mind, where you can admire the impressive architecture that characterized to the center of the capital. Sources of Neptune and Cibeles are good shows the beauty of Madrid, not to mention the breathing space that one can experience in the Park of El Retiro, a real core of nature in the middle of the big city.

In addition, Madrid is characterized by a unique cuisine. Known for its tapas and its traditional dishes, they do that our palates delight with all the flavors. However, I find a disadvantage, and that is the high standard of living. Prices are in the air, so that the accommodation can get very expensive. Therefore, it is desirable to seek alternatives in Madrid: apartment of quality in the heart and economic. Do not call you attention? Indeed, the apartments are a good alternative to a hotel. Happens something like in Valencia, a highly developed city, with many cultural possibilities where the catering prices can give you more than one headache, so it better is opting for apartments. Valencia has a great variety at an affordable price, as well as Madrid.