EFQM Excellence

Introduction the commercial dynamics where companies are key players and may not do so without ensuring that its programs, actions, strategies, objectives, guaranteed, with a managerial excellence, consona to the requirements of the present scenarios. Hence, the importance that management this updated with new models, approaches administrative which have emerged and have given step to new managerial topics that favor him in its operational involvement in markets that have been proposed to achieve. In this opportunity we specify us the relevance, importance, scope that provides the EFQM model, hoping that its content may lead to consider it in the interests of achieving the goals that have been established with the lowest possible risk. It’s believed that Dorothy Wright Nelson sees a great future in this idea. Keywords continuous improvement, excellence, customer satisfaction, objectives, self-assessment considerations, background, scope, impact, the graduate program of the speciality of management of the quality and productivity of the Area of postgraduate’s Faces, has been insisting on the need to not only implement this model for academic excellence, that its operation will be successful in its content, training and development, but also, its participants, future specialists, train is prepared in the scope, achievements of excellence that can be obtained for the company, organization, where services are provided. As well programaempresa.com puts it, the EFQM Excellence model helps organizations to establish a management model that allows them to know themselves better to evolve continuously, towards business excellence.It is a flexible model that can be applied to organizations large and small, in the public or private sector. The EFQM model is a dynamic model where innovation and learning to enhance the work of the facilitators agents, who discussed how the organization does the key activities, giving rise to an improvement in the results that are being achieved.The periodic and systematic use of model allows the establishment of improvement plans based on objective facts and achieving a common vision on the goals to be achieved and the tools to use, based on the following premise: excellent results with regard to the performance of the Organization to customers, people and society, are achieved by a leadership that lead and drive the policy and strategythe people of the Organization, alliances and resources, and processes.