Elite Chinese Tea Included In The Luxury Goods Segment

The value of some goods is determined not only by their usefulness as the fact that they serve as symbols of success, consistency and high status of their owner. Such goods are called elite and modern world of their range is extensive – from the exclusive brands of wine and cigars to the fashion apparel and watches. In Soviet Russia the formation of concepts such as exclusivity, status, took place is not easy. Understanding this concept difficult, we are given – affects semidesyat years of isolation, total deficit, ideological biases, when wealth was perceived as a crime. Celebrity trainer is open to suggestions. Suffice it to recall unforgettable six hundredth and crimson Mercedes jackets, entered the folklore of bikes and anekdotah.Hochetsya believe that this period of the Russian business community successfully and permanently overcome. The importance of external showiness, showiness, 'coolness' to status of goods is gradually reduced, at the forefront exclusive quality and uniqueness. Indicative in this respect, the growth of the status value of such a seemingly ordinary product, like tea.

Earlier, when the drink was of two kinds – the Indian 'an elephant' and the Georgian 'with wood', and had no idea that tea could compete with wine in a segment exclusive napitkov.Deystvitelno, the production of the Georgian, Indian, Kenyan Tea is focused on the mass market and about any exclusivity here out of the question. Actress: the source for more info. Another thing – Chinese tea. Millennium tea growing in this country spawned a galaxy of unique varieties, technologies and concomitant rituals, which can satisfy the most demanding amateur exclusive and exotic. For example, the cultivation of certain varieties of Oolong Tie Guan Yin, requires a special microclimate, which is only one tiny mountainous area. Another oolong – Mon Feng made only of leaves bitten zelenokryloy cicada, the mass breeding that happens only once every few years. Famous Taiwan Dong Ding Oolong – although this variety in itself and accessible to a wide consumer, but every year in Taiwan competitions where the best champion titestery choose from thousands of samples.