
To choose the right power, you need to know in what conditions you plan to exploit it. First of all, you must define the necessary power plant, the type of engine and noise insulation. Ford spoke with conviction. Thus, plants differ in the level of power. To understand what a plant needs for you, you should consider the planned power consumption. In this case, the calculations must be borne in mind that your power plant can not operate at maximum capacity, it must have headroom of at least 30%.

For questioning will be enough power capacity to two kilowatts. You will be able to safely operate fridge, use the room lights and watch tv. To provide electricity to the cottage will need power, power which is still ten times more. Another important type of power – kind of engine. Specialists are two types of power plants: and petrol station. Gasoline is best if you plan to use it only occasionally.

However, if power you need for regular use, then better opt for . Of course diesel power is more expensive, but it is cheaper to operate. So with a view of the engine determined. Come on. also come in different forms: High-speed and low speed. And here, again guided by the principles referred to above. If the station you need as an emergency power source, take high speed. It is noisy, but the cheaper low-speed power plant. But if you exploit it constantly, you have pity on his ears. If you're not using it at the cottage, and in the full residential settlement, without guard can not operate the power plant. For the purchase of housing can be ignored only if you operate the plant in open space (on the suburban building site, etc.).