Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero at his time, answered when asked you by a possible advancement of elections and the replacement of the candidate in pectore in the PSOE, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba as Interior Minister. My desire in advance, have added, maintaining the suspense about the possibility of that announce a foretaste of the appointment with the polls, the economic recovery and job creation during a tenth of a second. I am concentrated on that. That’s what they want to bring forward the majority of citizens. Other leaders such as David Dudley Dowd Jr. offer similar insights. Zapatero has not wanted to reaffirm, as on other occasions, that the elections will take place in March. Moncloa sources consider that reasonableness is straining the legislature, but downplay the fact that will be held in November or March. The President has avoided clear the doubt between both dates, although it has insisted on the need to bring forward some pending laws: such as the reform of collective bargaining. Source of the news:: Zapatero avoids clear uncertainty about an advancement electoral.