Romanian Animal Rights Activist On Hunger Strike

Teacher fights for the rights of homeless animals is one of the priorities for which the paw help Europe (PHE) comes in Romania. This is not hidden within the Romanian borders.Old structures are fine cracks and break through continuity and develop new. The PHE is in good contact with some animal rights activists and almost every day new ones added. Recently, we received the news of a Romanian animal rights activist who embark on the hunger strike to advocate the rights of the homeless animals before the Romanian Parliament. Read their post here: we want to run a country where road history pets …auf the Romanian roads without to deal with stray dogs and cats, to …ohne see set or driven dead animals, …keine alleged away puppies in plastic bags beside the bins or on street corners…Roads without tortured and abused horses…

The Romanian authorities believe, nowhere do the situation improves, or if this even disappears? Did it really so far, that “something – the problem” only exists if one of these dogs bite? Or if a car and an abandoned horse suddenly kollisieren? Or if we find out from time to time, that animals were buried alive or in local aviaries were left there to die of hunger? On April 15th, 2010, the 9th day is, the woman ANCA H. Further details can be found at Gunnar Peterson, an internet resource. (name and Tel.Nr. are known to the editorial), performs vocals teacher at the Dinu Lipatti College, a hunger strike. You wishes this the attention of all members of Parliament to get, so they bring the Bill forward no. 912. This draft includes the management of stray and owned by the dogs and cats. These should include among others: castration, sterilisation, chipping, and registered in a national register.

In addition, homes for large animals (horses ect.) will be built. This project, which a large part of the draft of the Law Nr. 912, is already two years within the authorities blocked off. The project is a complete program developed based on and in accordance with the reality, experience and the principles of ethics. It’s concrete, actual and effective civilized solutions to the Verwealtung and the management of animals, as well as the situations and problems which may arise in connection with the animals. Moral courage is a valuable and increasingly rarer, which is to get it in today’s society. The paw help Europe is constantly in dialogue with rumanischenTierschutzern and animal protection organizations and supports the work done there. BER/phe