
When you are involved in RSS everyday you get to see the fantastic opportunities RSS can bring to the web and how it can help improve the experience and the bottom line browsers webmasters. Unfortunately, there is a dark side of RSS use. It continues to amaze me how some webmasters always see the form of abuse of media. It is well known that email has become synonymous with spam. (Not to be confused with Rand Paul!). Email was a great communication tool when he arrived, but people soon began to abuse e-mail by sending unsolicited messages to everyone with an email address. Right now it seems to be happening with RSS. More Webmasters are starting to use RSS to improve and maintain a good relationship with their readers. They are using RSS in the right way to keep your readers informed and using RSS to syndicate content on the web.

I can talk more about it where I can help inform and educate webmasters about RSS. Unlike e-mail that you can not use RSS readers to spam, as it is a tracking technology which means that a webmaster who does not have the contact details for your readers. Unfortunately as RSS is a good tool for content distribution seems that some webmasters have taken in the sense that all the RSS content is public domain. This has led to the RSS feed to be copied verbatim and reused in new channels or posting on websites. I know what your thinking, what exactly is my problem, that is what is RSS.

This is considered. How would you feel if you found the content of your feed copied word for word in other food and is also replicated in any other website. No problem you might think, think that will bring all traffic to your site. No, I’m afraid that all links to your site have been removed, in fact, a reference to be deleted. It’s like not even creating the content. I fear that this is the new scourge of the Internet and that will affect sooner or later. But all is not lost, there are some things you can do to protect themselves. First I would suggest not publishing content meals, which are limited to publishing large part of an article and a link to your website. Second place a copyright notice in your feed. Then if someone copies verbatim to receive the copyright notice, so when I return from there that all readers know what they’ve been doing. Third contact is the editor of your work and remind them that they are stealing copyrighted material. If you want to publish the content of other foods, please contact the publisher and request permission. When you republish the content does not remove any links and make sure that the publisher is properly attributed. In this way get free content and the author receives traffic, a fair exchange and everyone wins.