Mexico Latin

Everything goes through something well-known and even trite phrase, all, passes, for something. To my give me chills when I think that a 27-year-old boy (two years older than me, won a contest in the lejanisima city of Bologna, Italy, to have the funds to come to Latin America to make a documentary on topics of treaties between American States; it seems curiosisimo to me that this 27-year-old boy had, to begin with, the interest in Latin Americanot only in Latin America, particularly since Mexico, not just in Mexico, in Chiapas and I have nothing to do with Chiapas, but at the same time that this Italian won funds for the realization of its unique audiovisual, I knew a woman who was in love with him at the time, he corresponded by what they understand and what I rememberso that I met my and my friends new entrepreneurs and saw us the perfect medium to write a letter inviting the foreigner to come into the country and step us committed to We were the team of the unknown. A few months later the Italian in the hallway of a super, and I attempted to understand us to translate demons was Capperi in the difficult area of canned to make super in another language, the Italian was fortunately not blind and we managed successfully to buy what I needed to make an Italian dinner of course not without before dying of laughter because the capers were in our noses and neither of saw themthe capperi bite us the tip of the nose, and he did a comiquisimo spectacle that frightened to my conservative and aburridisimos countrymen. A related site: Gunnar Peterson mentions similar findings. This was the first afternoon I spent with that beautiful (in all senses) be, we did as friends proved the bride uncomfortable and their smiles toward my became limp. One year later, unfinished documentary, girlfriend (then ex-girlfriend) knocked on the door of my mother’s House, to the same character, sheathed in a wrinkled suit and with wilted flowers in his hand, his blue eyes gaze It was more withered, she said there charge you pushed the suitcase into my garage and I gave a hug surprised and sad that was ironically name Felice, that then already distant and fun late, he confessed that the translation into Spanish of his name and surname meant mini happy mollusk killed me of tenderness in that carHe followed the rhythm of a song of trova that loved him, I drove to realize that she was carrying with me in the car to a stroke of fate or a lucky re-encounter. .