Then, this is an important thing. She is necessary to promote training. This, people is certain that it is the main challenge: human resources in the SUS. It is sufficiently difficult, today, in the entire Country, some areas, the sector health in particular, the recycling and training of human resources, ' ' what he is fundamental' '. CHAPTER 1. The HOSPITAL AUTOMATION AND the INTEGRATED SYSTEM HOSPITAL PUBLIC a health care system must follow the recommendations and standards defined for the normalization organisms and quality. The SIH (integrated system hospital) is adherent to the most important standards of the area, having itself to detach the partnership Vector with the HAC? Health Advanced Consult, company specialized in development of clinical protocols. The technology of information, ' ' standards' ' international and the regulation indicated for the EAN Brazil, widely is used in the development of projects for the area doctor-hospitalar, having fortified the questions of quality and security of software, in the products and services in medical computer science.
As the Integrated System Hospital encloses of integrated and complete form all the subjects that involve the Hospital Administration, the bar code can be used in so distinct sectors as: controle and automation of all the medicine processing, enclosing the supply, spalling in dose unitrias and use, beyond the correct and agile inclusion in the invoicing. identificao of patients and professionals. controle of documents and examinations. The substitution of the digitao of the data in keyboard for the reading optics brings clear advantages for the institution, the professional and, especially, the security and quality of attendance for the patient. According to Nardon (1988, P. 50): to propitiate the increase of the capacity of partner-economic development sic of the diverse regions through the support technician and financier the projects of technological matrix (…) that they aim at to the modernization and improvement of competitiveness of the diverse economic agents directed to the production of goods and services, with priority industrial, good with a creation of new agents.