It refers to pain, weakness, numbness or tingling in your leg, caused by injury or compression of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica is a symptom of another medical problem, is not a disease by itself. Sciatica causes a pain that it […]
Continue reading »Author: AWHadmin
Crying nonstop for a baby with colic make many parents resort to popular home remedies, but there is no sufficient evidence that function properly, according to a review of 15 medical studies. Results do not surprise him Leni Calas, 32 […]
Continue reading »Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia a condition that primarily affects women, its main characteristic is the pain by different parts of the body, tiredness that does not improve with rest, insomnia, tingling and cramps in arms and legs, in addition to hypersensitivity in different […]
Continue reading »The Biblical
The first chapters of the book of the Gnesis have a proper and very special style. To eat the forbidden fruit is to yield to the temptation and to disobey to the divine order. To move away itself from God […]
Continue reading »Indignation And Praise
Praised either God, absolute Gentleman of the Universe: of the Celestial Spheres, the Creator! It saves the insupervel teacher, whose dexterity when prevailing the Symphony of the Creation, is incomparable, therefore the arcanjos, the angels all, querubins and serafins, they […]
Continue reading »Excessive Perspiration
Although the sweat helps the body to eliminate heat when the environmental temperature is high, many people suffer of excessive perspiration, that them cause annoyances several, like the humidity in the clothes and the bad scent of the sweating, that […]
Continue reading »Feeling Sad
' When to feel itself sad, remembers that in the world it has somebody that only lives because you existe' '. The passer-by passed for the absorbed midnight desert-like street in bad thoughts, transtornado for the disillusions of its life, […]
Continue reading »Worms
Medicinal treatment of worms and treatment of tapeworm in folk medicine. What are the signs of worms? Everyone knows that cuisine of the southern countries abound with all sorts of spices and bitterness. And it is no coincidence because it […]
Continue reading »The Chance
In the lateral tables, two Belgian lampies. In the soil of boards, colorful carpets entonando with the curtain. It was the apartment of guests. The mother of magic Nana with the chance of living well and in a so elegant […]
Continue reading »Meaning of the World
One day wanted to be mother, did not know true the meaning of this word, only what it saw and it felt with my proper mother (wonderful for signal). When I discovered that pessoinha inside loaded of me one, everything […]
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