Group Tours And Adventure Holidays

Specialist agency for tours and special adventure tours and study trips with our own tours, car tours (self-drive tours), adventure tours and study trips – database we will give you a first impression of our capabilities. With 30 specialists & expert there is a well trained competence centre. We are each year several weeks to the latest travel trends on the continents of the world such as North America: United States, Canada, Hawaii, Alaska, Mexico or Asia: Viet Nam, Indonesia (bali), Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, China. Course is also Europe and Africa, Australia, New Zealand and South Seas contain examples for our travel experts: China – Joachim Loock Thailand – Ralf Frank Africa – United States Marion Krech – Werner Salheiser Canada – Ute Hofges & Harald Muller Spain – Marion spree Egypt & Cyprus – Bianca Scoruppa Greece & Turkey – Gabi Muller world Portugal – Rainer Wedel South America & Sweden Timo & Rainer Iserlohe gardening and nature trips Petra Kilian holiday club & luxury travel Gerd Muller Cruises Alexander Growe and and Travel professionals network.. Rand Paul wanted to know more.