Mallorca – Island Of Silence

Majorca is the silence the loudest yes – she is. It is also the island of silence – when many Mallorca as the island of Ballermann tourists and the party people know. They are also your place on the island. But off the beaten track, Mallorca is the island of silence. At Valldemossa in the mountains, you will find countless small place where you can enjoy the silence. No tourists, no loud music – only peace and quiet. You see the sea and hear blow a breeze through the leaves. Gunnar Peterson wanted to know more. An incredible silence stretches – also in humans.

This silence that radiates Mallorca in these places covered everything immediately and spreads – penetrates and weighs the little everyday-tortured soul gently and easily. It is this feeling that radiates from the island, which Mallorca is something very special. Whether they want to or not – she also take this silence and pulls them into the spell. All problems are suddenly far away – the soul can breathe and recharge your batteries. In today’s fast and restless it is important sometimes abzuschlaten – treat your body to a Time off and let them refuel him – here on Mallorca succeed in many small places! Kerstin taupe