One day wanted to be mother, did not know true the meaning of this word, only what it saw and it felt with my proper mother (wonderful for signal). When I discovered that pessoinha inside loaded of me one, everything moved in my heart. It felt that it was more important now, felt that it could make for that angel everything and much more that my heart asked for. To the step that my belly grew, it felt that it could touch clouds of the sky of as much happiness and pleasure in knowing that she was ready to leave to come to the world a human being, an angel who gave the best years to me that could have. Then, in a spring night it was born, pretty, teeny of the black eyes, nor could imagine that she was transforming in such a way my life, my heart seemed that she went to blow up of as much love, did not see the hour to show to that angel all my affection, all my devotion and you make to understand it that I now wise person what was to be mother. was what I made, had been the years more wonderful than I had, however, fastest it stops me, therefore, seven years later I had that it returns it Deus.’ to it; ‘ DEUS’ ‘ , not wise person also the true one meant of this word until I felt the desperation and the lack of soil under my feet, as if everything what I lived with my angel had been a dream, and now it went to have that to only wake up and to walk with the souvenirs of my teeny one of the black eyes. I love you my son, and know that now you are in the arms of that ‘ has loaded me so far; ‘ DEUS’ ‘.