
When if it speaks in global development, one mentions the cognitivos, affective, social aspects, physicist-engines and linguistic to it, that if englobam to create a full process of learning. The tricks they have a decisive paper in the phase of alfabetizao of the child, a time that generates primordial mechanisms for the advance of the area. For Kishimoto (2008), the option for playing since the beginning of the infantile education is what it guarantees the citizenship of the child, as well as pedagogical actions of bigger quality. One perceives that the child does not only play for playing. When carrying through this act, it constructs an image of world and appropriation of the culture that the fence. the pedagogical actions become more pleasant for the child in the measure where it learns through playing.

According to Oliveira (2008), to play he is main the half one of learning of the child. With this, it can be verified that it does not have a dissociao between playing and learning, both are linked in the process of construction of the knowledge. The child who plays interacts with the social environment and, having the chance to know the world that the fence and to act on it. Thus, it acquires information on this world and perceives itself participant of the same. The express trick the form as a child reflects, organizes, disorganizes, constructs and reconstructs the world, therefore, to play is a vehicle key for the learning. 3 the MOVEMENT AS LEARNING FORM the motor action is a factor of great importance in the infantile development. One knows that the citizen if constructs in its interaction with the way, and the movement is one of the forms that the child finds to interact with this way. This construction with the way is a form of appropriation of the culture, either to dominate the different instruments of the culture, either to participate of the playful activities (games, tricks, dances, sports).