
But of where it comes the pollution? To the times, the people seem not to have conscience of where the pollution comes and for where it goes. Worse of what this, in many chances the people if do not give account of that the action of poluir part of proper them and comes back toward same them in forms of floods, illnesses as the affection, leptospirose, and esquistossomose. Places of where the pollution can leave? Plants: it seems that it is consensus that most of the pollution has left of inside of the plants. Plants launch pollutants in the atmosphere by means of chimneys. As if this was not enough, many of them produce the packings that go to stop inside of the pluvial galleries, obstructing them. The treated industrial sewer is not, in many cases, discarded in sources killing fish, poisoning the vegetation and destroying ecosystems; Automobiles: The majority of the cars still uses gasoline to be put into motion.

This fuel proceeding from the oil launches gases of the effect greenhouse when it is burnt to generate the energy that it puts into motion an automobile. The effect greenhouse cause an overheating of the atmosphere, modifies the climate, desregula the temperature of the Planet Land; Residences: The discarded residential sewer in irregular way polui lakes, dams and rivers, amongst other sources. The garbage, such as packings, and the organic garbage, poluem the streets, the culverts, the pluvial galleries. Prioritizing the Environment in detriment of the economic growth More than what a desentupidora of sewer galleries, and much more of what the simple economic growth, the majority of the Brazilian people prefers that the priority is given to the ambient questions, as indicates the research ' ' Support: Aqui and Agora' ' carried through for the Ministry of the Environment. But to prioritize the Environment means to produce little, to consume little, to more go to devagar. For example, if we ate little fish, we would not have that to go to fish them each time more adentro of the oceans. That is, if we gave possibility for them if to reproduce, they would not be in extinguishing. The fact is that eating better more and, is more intelligent, more productive.

Then, she is necessary to balance this, eating the essential. But the main factor that we must take off of these reflections is that, to grow economically, we need to extract natural resources of the Planet Land and to vender them. To extract resources is to attack the Environment, is to poluir. for the Brazilian, we must prioritize the Environment.