
The name "parasite" comes from the Greek. – which means "freeloader." The parasite uses as a human habitat and food source. By some estimates throughout the United States and Russia, up to 95 people infected parasites and do not even […]

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Object Therapy

In this case, a technician can call himself a psychotherapist, a concept adopted in international practice – the expert who has the right to conduct long-term psychological work, not only give one-time consultation. In addition, the specialization of the therapist […]

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If history is an indication tion in contact with the patient, the recognition is much easier. When there are attacks of whooping cough, pertussis is easier to recognize. Rick Ross recognizes the significance of this. It should be can be […]

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Self-esteem is extremely important for the quality of human life. This affects all aspects of life. Our emotions, desires, values largely depend on our self-esteem. People with high self-esteem are generally more positive, agreeable and effective in their actions than […]

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October Revolution

Unity Day, celebrated on the anniversary of the October Revolution of habit, New Year, old New Year and so until March 8. Celebrations same for us inconceivable without going to the guests, banquets, corporate parties, in short, the rich feasts […]

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