Reaching the water, the eggs liberate the miracdio, stimulated for the following factors: higher temperatures, intense light and oxygenation of the water. According to Snows 2004, the transmission occurs through the active penetration of the cercrias in the skin and mucosa. The cercrias penetrate more frequent in the feet and in legs for being areas of the body that more are in contact with contaminated waters. The schedule where they are seen in bigger amount in the water and with bigger activity is between 10 and 16 hours, when the solar light and the heat are more intense. The places where if of a more frequent transmission they are the peridomiciliares focos: ditches of irrigation of horta, dams (water reservoirs and place of toy of children), small streams where the laundrywomen and children costumam to go. TREATMENT You vary drugs already had been elaborated for the treatment of esquistossomose, between them are: Emtico tartar, tricantose, niridazol, antimonial composites and hicantose with the time had more entered in disuse. You drag currently them more used are praziquantel and oxamniquine. The administration of oxaminique must be made in the dose of 15mg for kilo of corporal weight, for adults and of 20mg/kg pra crianas.em only dose for saw verbal.
The more common collateral effect are chronic headache, tremors, sleepiness and nauseas, generally light passengers during 24 hours, 0,5 of these patients present been of hallucinations and/or convulsions. The managed Praziquantel and in the dose of 50mg for kilo of corporal weight for adults and 65mg/kg for children in only dose, for saw verbal, both to be managed a meal after. The main collateral effect are chronic headache, abdominal pain, urticariformes fever and reactions. Second (Benjamin and Sergio, 2002) praziquantel is active against all the species of Schistosoma that parasitam the man, in contrast of oxaminiquine, that she is only active against S.mansoni.