Finally documents whether these sources can have a multiplier role, so be extremely dangerous in the positive case useful oder in the negative case. So, grievances can be identify, filter out trouble spots and discover trends. Then appropriate strategies can be developed on the basis of all of this, to the whole to give the desired direction. The findings of such studies are to arrive at new insights. So, the Manager of an insurance group believed that the expensive tariffs were criticized on the Web. After the monitoring was, however, clear: customers were especially angry about the penetrance of the external service.
With appropriate training programmes could be counterbalanced finally. How online monitoring which can be used alone this one example shows how valuable are unfiltered real-time opinions from around the Web for the early detection of problems. Above all the top management should be interested in rege. Because of in-house it receives mostly just such information, of which that section below ‘ believe that one it above ‘ wants to hear. As can be meaningfully use the findings from the online monitoring in various business areas: research & Development: impulses for new product ideas in the legal department: detection of brand abuse etc.
in the Market research: early detection of trends in customer behavior in marketing: preparing, testing and optimizing campaigns in the brand Managemen t: insight into the soul of the customer (customer insights) in public relations: hotspots detect and react quickly in sales: competitive intelligence, market and competitive analysis in the after sales service: any problems quickly detect and resolve in the Finance Department: early detection of credit problems from these and many other reasons a carefully coordinated social media marketing plan now belongs to every good business strategy. In addition, should companies do everything, with their key words for Google & co. far forward to come closest to the first page. An efficient search engine optimization (SEO), as well as a methodical search engine marketing (SEM) are needed. The aim must be to generate as much positive as possible via social media marketing (SMM) in the Web. So you can occupy appropriate topics, brands build out, enhance reputation and image, Strengthen customer relations and open up new customer segments. Who operates it with interesting unique features and impressive performance transparently and credibly on the market, finally provides for zealous fans, passionate advocate and dedicated mouth propagandists. And these are the best sellers. The book on the topic editor: Anne M. Schuller and Torsten Schwarz guide WOM marketing the new recommendation company. Online & offline new customers gain marketing, Association and buzz through social media marketing, viral. 448 pages, price: 39,90 euro / CHF 51,90, bound ISBN: 978-3000304705, September, 2010 Publisher: marketing BoRSE GmbH